Friday, June 19, 2009

Bust a Move

We've been dropping the older kids off at summer camp for the past week.

For the last 2 days, as Meredith gets out of the car, Philip will tell her, "I ruv ru, Mere-ith!"

That's my sweet little Scooby Boy! (The 'd' is silent, don't ya know.)


This boy is an incredible mimic. So was Steffi. The older two would always act shy when you asked them to say something. But Philip will just say it.

This is one of the more fun aspects of having children!

If you watch "Scrubs", there's an old episode that has J.D. and Turk at a medical convention and they meet an old guy who impersonates Young MC. He's called 'Old Young MC.' Everytime anyone asks Old Young MC anything, he responds with, "Bust a move."

(Young MC is a rapper and had a song called "Bust a Move" back in, I think, 1989.)

So now John and I are trying to teach our baby to say "Bust a move." He'll say it when we say it but we're still waiting for him to just say it on his own.

It's still hilarious to us though.

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