Tuesday, May 27, 2008


My baby is one-year-old today! He's such a little sweetheart. This weekend I was sitting on the couch and he crawled over, pulled himself up to look at me, then he waved and said "Hi." Then he irritated me by refusing to say it again. (Hayden and Meredith were like that too - they'd say something once and refuse to say it again. Meredith said her name when she was 2 & refused to say it again until she was 3!) Stephanie, on the other hand, would repeat just about anything over and over as long as you kept asking her.) So far, Philip only has 2 words: Hi & mama. He's not walking just yet - by himself anyway. He'll walk all over the place while hanging onto one of the little riding cars we have. He doesn't like to walk holding onto your fingers either. He seems so small to me. I'm not sure if he's just littler than the others were at 1 or if it's just because the others are so big now. Or maybe it's just because he's the last of the brood and I need him to be little for awhile longer.

Don't worry, I'll get some current pictures on here soon!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Little Angel

I was holding my little baby last night and he dozed off to sleep. And I looked at him and just looked at his perfect little face with its perfect little nose and chin and lips and eyes. He truly is a beautiful baby. I was almost awestruck by this little guy. And then I got hit with a blast from the future and I could see myself as a grandmother and my little baby would have a baby of his own.

I hope he will take the time to look at his sleeping baby the way I saw him last night. And I hope he will be awestruck by her as well.

And, I hope, I truly hope, that when he looks at his beautiful little baby who just dozed off in his arms it is in the middle of the gazillionth night in a row that she has woken up 2 or 3 times a night thereby keeping him from getting a decent night of sleep - ever. And, I hope he remembers his mother's (that would be me) words of wisdom, "Someday I hope you will have a child of your own and I hope she will be JUST LIKE YOU!"

Then I hope my baby will call his mother (again, me) the next morning just to say, "I'm sorry for all those sleepless nights and I understand now how you felt."

To which I will reply, "Do not call here before 10am again. I am still trying to catch up on the sleep you refused to let me have when you were a baby!"