Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Joke

P: "Knock, knock."

Me: "Who's there?"

P: "Banana who?"


Even the baby is a cut-up around here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This baby has quite the imagination.

He walks around the house roaring and says either "I din-o-saur" or "I a bear."

Sometimes "I a robot" in a robot-y voice.

Yesterday I was arguing with him. I'd say "I'm a robot." Then he'd say "I a robot."

Back and forth until finally I said "Cheese. See. I'm a robot because a robot, a robot, a robot says 'cheese'." *

Last night I put a robot to bed. I said "Good night, little robot."

He said, "Cheese."

* This would be a song from the Backyardigans episode "Front Page News" where Tasha is a 'Clark Kent' reporter/super hero who is trying to save the town from a giant robot who really only wants his picture taken.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


P: "ROAR . . . ROAR"

Me: "Are you a bear?"

P: "Din-saur. Me Din-saur."

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cute New Saying

He runs down the hall right up to me. . .

"Aha, I got you now!"