Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Onesies are Wonderful!

You probably don't know this about my Mommy - but she doesn't like onesies very much. Especially for bigger kids like me.

But yesterday she bought me some 'new' onesies at Once Upon a Child in Omaha.

I don't like them very much either.

You see, I like to reach down into my diaper and make sure all my bits & pieces are there. Sometimes I can get the diaper pushed down in front. Sometimes the front of my jeans and my shirt get all wet then and I get to have fresh new clothes in the middle of the day.

I can't do that with onesies.

So - why did she buy them?


Mommy here: What do you think people?

Hayden never did this. At least not to this extent. This boy constantly has his hand down his pants. I suppose it's still in the normal range but, I am seriously tired of having to change his clothes all the dang time!

Is this just normal behavior that he'll outgrow?

Or, do I need to add "trench coat" to the 1st day of school shopping list?

Friday, March 27, 2009

See How They Run

This kid is soaking up information as fast as you can put it out there.

Yesterday I taught the girls the "Three Blind Mice" song.

Last night before bed, Meredith and Stephanie were playing on the roller coaster and singing "Three Blind Mice."

After they got off the roller coaster, Philip got on and as he rolled down the track, he was singing, "Three Blind Mice, Three Blind Mice, Three Blind Mice..."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Quack, Quack

There is a Backyardigans show called "The Mighty Knights." Tyrone and Uniqua have to guard a egg and it says, "Quack, Quack." They end up having to chase it around and it eventually turns into a dragon.

Today Philip found a play egg from our kitchen stuff and he was walking around with it saying, "Quack, Quack."

I thought it was funny.

If we're in the car and have to stop at a red light, he says, "Go, Man!"

Last night we were in the car and listening to a children's song called, "I'm gonna get you, you'd better run." and he was singing along, "Get you...better run." He also got a few of the other words right.

Also, last night I was singing the Alphabet Song to him. I got to P, and he sang "Q, R, S" then I sang to Y, and he said, "Z."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Potato Head

Philip was just crying.

I went to see what was wrong...

He's trying to stick a Mr Potato Head nose in his own nose.

I'm not sure if he's crying because it hurt

or because it wouldn't stick.

Mr. Potato Head (and his parts) is now being exiled into storage for awhile.