Saturday, October 18, 2008


Apparently, the baby talks quite a bit at daycare also. Yesterday he told Miss Alma he was "Stinky." Another day he was in the high chair for lunch and he was crying "I want Steffi!"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Shut Up!

The baby is learning to talk. He says all kinds of things, "Go", "Touchdown", "Scott Hall" (we have a magnet of Scott Hall on our door for some reason), "Thank you", "No", "Stop", and "Shut Up!"

Yeah, I don't like the last one too much either. I can't imagine where he might have heard that one. ahem, cough, cough.

OK, I admit it was me. Look, he has 3 older siblings and they all talk. All. The Time. They NEVER stop. The girls sometimes even talk in their sleep. A mother can only take so much before she loses her mind, you know.

I know, I know, I'm working on it.