Thursday, January 14, 2010


Last night while sitting on the couch with us, Philip looked at us and said,

"You both are giants."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Naughty List

Meredith made some little decorations at Sunday School. They're just little white construction paper stars and have a long crepe paper "tail." I have them hanging on the refrigerator.

Every time Philip sees them, he says, "Look! It's the naughty list!"

It does kind of look like Santa's Naughty List Scroll that we see on "The Miser Brothers' Christmas." Which we've been watching about 40 times a day ever since Christmas.

I also gave the little boy a buzz cut the other day. He was starting to look like one of the Beatles and now he looks like a little boy again. If daddy doesn't get to Hayden's hair pretty soon, I'm going to do his too.