Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Saturday Night

As John and I were getting ready to go to bed Saturday night, I could hear a certain little someone talking in his bed.

Naturally, I assumed he would quiet down and go to sleep so I got into my nice comfy bed and got all nice and toasty warm.

Still with the talking. So since I was nice and toasty warm, I sent John to go quiet the baby down. (OK the real reason is because if I go in there, Philip thinks he can get out of bed but when John goes in there, he'll usually go ahead and quiet down and go to sleep.) Whatever, I still didn't want to get out of bed.

Less than a minute later, John comes back, crawls into bed, and advises me that I need to go get my boy. He said Phil had taken all his clothes off and was sitting there naked.

I said there was no way that could have happened. The baby was exhausted so I just put him down in his clothes - sweat pants and a pull-over shirt - and there was no way he could have gotten his shirt off.

We argued about it for awhile (nice and toasty warm in bed!) but, finally, I got up and this is what greeted me when I looked in on him. . .

The first thing he said to me? "I'm nekked!"

I advised him next time to wait until AFTER he pees to take off the diaper. I was impressed that he managed to get his shirt off though.

Lucky me - I got to clean up and dress a baby AND change his sheets at nearly midnight.

Oh, Kid - The unedited picture will be around for me to show your future girlfriends. Consider it payback.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

An Irritation

Philip looked at Hayden the other day and said to him,
"Hayden, you irritate the crap out of me!"


No - I have NO IDEA where he got that! - stop looking at me! - and, besides, I only say that when I'm teasing the kids!

That boy is going to get me into so much trouble...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Waking Up

I peeped my head into Philip's room this morning. As soon as he saw me he said, "Help me. I'm stuck in this cage."

Later, Daddy patted the top of his head and he said, "Stop ducking me!" (You know - like, "Duck, Duck, Goose")