Monday, September 29, 2008

Toy Bucket

I said, "Put the TOYS in the bucket", not the baby!

He looks surprised, doesn't he? I don't know why. He picked that spot to sit in. Almost a perfect fit!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Come on - give me a big kissy!

Ahhhhh. There's nothing better than a bubble bath with the jacuzzi jets on!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Learning Curve

Know what I know? I know that when you drop a metal pan lid onto the kitchen floor over and over again, it makes a loud noise! Wait! Let me try again. ....Yep, a loud noise. It also makes Mommy cringe. Let me try again. ....Yep, loud noise, cringe. I wonder why she does that. It's funny. ....loud noise, cringe. Wow, it keeps happening. I wonder if it will do that every single time I drop this lid? ....loud noise, cringe.

Wait! I don't want to go in the other room! At least let me take the lid! I need to test my theory thoroughly! ...oh, a toy.

15 Months

The baby got shots on Thursday. Poor little guy. And he needed cold medicine for coughing and a runny nose. Poor miserable little guy. The cold medicine makes him weird. He'll be whiny and crying and sleepy, then he'll be running around giggling. (It just helps to prove my hypothesis that all small children are manic-depressive.)

Anyway, he is now 28 pounds and 33 inches. 90th percentile for both. The doctor said I could take him off the Vitamin D milk and just use 2% since he's obviously getting enough to eat and getting his essential fats from other things. Well, I'm not gonna take my baby off Vit D milk until he is 2. Just because I read somewhere that it helps with their eye development. And, anyway, it's not hurting him, he's not overweight, and if I want to spend 20 extra cents a gallon just to make sure his eyes develop properly even if it's an old wives tale, well, that's what I'm gonna do! So there!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Helper

Here I am helping Mommy get stuff ready for Stephanie's birthday party. You can never tell when you might need a pan or what size so I got them all out for her. I even tried to get the right lids on them. And I left them right on the floor in front of the cabinet and blocking the pantry so she would be able to find them.
WooHoo! I got to try on Stephanie's birthday crown!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Antelope Park

We went to the park last night. They had a special area for the younger kids and I got to go on the slide all by myself.
But this was the mostest fun! I liked to run up and down the ramp. Up and down, back and forth. Up and down, back and forth. Up and down, back and, well, you get the idea.