Saturday, December 25, 2010

Today or Tomorrow

The other day I had to leave to go somewhere. Philip started freaking out so I explained that I would only be gone a little while and would be back soon.

So he asked me if I would be back "tomorrow."

He was better after I told him I would be back later TODAY.

Poor Lil Dude ~ he's never going to forgive me for leaving him for those 5 days when we went to Texas.

The Evil Twin

I've been trapped all night at the stove making candy. Which, obviously, is the perfect opportunity for a small boy to regale me with his stories.

Tonight, the story was all about "The Meanie Philip." This would be Philip's evil twin.

The Meanie Philip broke Phil's instructions. Yep. He did. They were instructions for building things.

The Meanie Philip is the one who flooded my bathroom this afternoon. From the sink. The sink with no plug. Apparently, the Meanie Philip is very clever.

Finally, I sent Phil to ask his father to give him a shower. He came back all upset saying, "Daddy doesn't want to clean me."

I told him I was sure Daddy would give him a shower, and Philip said, "But Philip's need cleaned."

Ain't that the truth.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I Missed Mom

My baby missed me while I was gone. I know because he won't let me out of his sight. At least, not without a fit.

Of course, he still has fits even when I'm around. Even more than usual. I think he's scared I'm going to run off and leave him again.

It's kind of sweet. But it's also really exhausting. Probably because I haven't had a chance to really sit down and relax yet since being home.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No Colorado Here

Philip and I drove to Beatrice yesterday. We took the delivery truck so we could drop off our old grill to my brother-in-law. So Philip was sitting in the front next to me and could actually SEE out the window.

He asked me where the mountains were.

I told him they were in Colorado but we were in Nebraska so we couldn't see them.

So at least twice on the trip, he remarked, "Nope. No Colorado here."

I knew the mountains were addictive, but I didn't realize someone so young would be affected.

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He can say Meredith, but he also calls her "Ruff."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bob? or Bill?

Phil's got a new thing...

The other day we were out driving and he started talking about "Bill the Bob-der."

Pretty sure he was talking about Bob the Builder but it offends him if you try to correct him. So for the past few days we've been hearing about Bill the Bobder.

Friday, September 10, 2010

He Loves His Mommy (& Bob)

My little boy came up to me the other day and said, "I loves you."

He also tells me, "It's so nice to have you back!" and "I had a fun day today."

And he tells me many many stories about "Bob" (the Lego robot(s)). Most of these stories include "Bob broke" and "I fixed him" or "Bob's dead."

The other night he brought two of his "Bobs" to bed and one fell apart so I put him back together. I'll never do that again. Apparently, I did it wrong and my poor little Philip was crying and trying to put Bob back together right. It took him 5 minutes.

Moral: Never EVER fix a "Bob" unless you are a trained professional. (i.e. a 3-year-old.)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

On Robots and Ladybugs

What's Philip been up to lately?

He's been building robots.

Out of Legos.

And naming them 'Bob.'

They're all named Bob - apparently, that is the 'in' name for robots these days.

Then he insists on taking them to bed with him.

Yes, he takes a Lego robot to bed with him.

He says, "Bob's broken, Mom. Can you fix him?"

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Thursday night, the kids had a VBS program at church.

Philip found a dead ladybug beneath the pew cushion.

"Can you fix him, Mom? He's broken."

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Yesterday, I was working and John came down to help me.

Before he left the apartment, he called all the kids together to let them know he was going downstairs and they needed to be good.

He said, "I'm putting you in charge today Philip. Do you think you can handle it?"

Philip said, "I keep an eye on them."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


First thing the little guy said to me today. . .

"I want to say you something. . . Mmmm. . . I was sleeping in my bed and then Daddy waked up and then Hayden waked up. "

I love it! - "I want to say you something."

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Look who's 3!

Opening presents

Dragon Cake

Picture from his actual birthday - at Hayden's baseball game.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I said, "Philip, go get a diaper please."

He replies, "I can't. I'm not strong."

* * * * * * * * * * *

He likes to jump around the house, "Mom! I'm 'Jumping Man!'"

* * * * * * * * * * *

Daddy shows him a snake, "What's this, Philip?"

Reply: "It's a steak!"

And then he makes the "Sssssss" sound and he always sticks his tongue out to do it.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

In the kitchen, "Philip, get away from the mixer."

Indignent reply: "I'm working here!"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I often wonder about the age differences in the kids. The girls are only 2.5 years apart so they are likely to be close. (Perhaps close enemies, but still close.) Hayden is almost 8 years older than Philip. Hayden will be almost done with college by the time Philip starts high school.

The nice thing about their age gap is I can take just the girls to their soccer games and leave Hayden in charge of Philip. John's just downstairs so it's not like they're totally on their own.


One day last week just out of the blue, Philip says to me, "Hayden is my best friend."

Then, "Hayden is my hero."


I have to remember to tell that to the Boy. So when he's thinking about doing something stupid in high school, maybe he'll remember there are little eyes watching him.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Whacha Doin?

Philip has started coming up to me and saying, "What-cha doo-in'?"

It's funny because he says it exactly how Isabella says it on "Phineas and Ferb." Same inflections and everything. I know none of you know what I'm talking about but it's a good show.

Also, instead of saying something is "little," he calls it "teensy."

No idea what started that. I don't think any of us say teensy.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sad to Happy

Philip came up to me today with a pouty look on his face.

I asked him what was wrong.

He said, "I am sad."

I said, "Well, then I should probably tickle you and make you happy."

So he came over to me and let me tickle him a little.

I asked him if he was happy now.

He said, "Yes."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Put the Candle Back!

We watched part of "Young Frankenstein" the other day.

Later, while I was making supper, Philip was playing with his "Penguins of Madagascar" beside me and he was making them talk.

One of the penguins would say, "Put the candle BACK!"

And the other would answer, "I will NOT put the candle BACK!"

You probably had to be there but I just love how he picks up lines here and there from movies.

And "Toy Story III" comes out this summer!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Super Hero

It's kind of cool to see how the "baby" of the family learns and grows.

Usually, he just plays along with the other kids. When Hayden is around, they wrestle. When the girls play 'PowerPuff Girls', he gets to be Buttercup. (I even have to find a green shirt for him to wear so it's official.)

Last night though, my baby started the game. He came over to me with 3 blankets and requested that I tie them all on him so he could be a super hero. (I don't know why he needed 3, but he informed me he did.) Then the girls had to join in. And, finally, so did big brother.

Friday, February 12, 2010

For the past month or so, Philip has been doing this really cute thing. It started when Mom & Dad were here visiting. Philip was wearing a Darth Vader mask and, apparently, Mom & I did a really good job acting scared because he took off his mask and said, "It's me! Philip."

Now when he sees me after I've been gone for awhile, he'll run up to me saying, "Mommy! Mommy! It's me! Philip."

Just in case I had forgotten about him, I guess.

Then after he did that one night, he ran back into the living room. I was in the kitchen and Paula went out the door. He heard the door shut and didn't see me so he ran down the hall yelling, "Friend Tami, Friend Tami, where are you?"

Then when he found me, he jumped up and threw his arms around my neck and said, "You're my best friend!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Last night while sitting on the couch with us, Philip looked at us and said,

"You both are giants."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Naughty List

Meredith made some little decorations at Sunday School. They're just little white construction paper stars and have a long crepe paper "tail." I have them hanging on the refrigerator.

Every time Philip sees them, he says, "Look! It's the naughty list!"

It does kind of look like Santa's Naughty List Scroll that we see on "The Miser Brothers' Christmas." Which we've been watching about 40 times a day ever since Christmas.

I also gave the little boy a buzz cut the other day. He was starting to look like one of the Beatles and now he looks like a little boy again. If daddy doesn't get to Hayden's hair pretty soon, I'm going to do his too.