Saturday, January 31, 2009


The baby just crashed his Tonka dump truck into my chair and said, "Hi. What's up?"

Then as he left, he said, "How you doing?"

Friday, January 30, 2009


Yesterday, I worked in the store all day from 10am to 8pm. Paula was with the kids all day and John was with them off and on all day.

So I finally get upstairs at 8:10 and everyone is at the table eating. Philip calls to me from his high chair, "Mommy, Mommy, hep me!"

I go get him out and give him a big hug and he's being so sweet.

Then....I have to put him down for a minute.

He. Had. A. FIT! Screaming, crying, then he wouldn't let me pick him up but he didn't want to be down. Seriously, it took him about 10 minutes to calm down.

I think the problem was that I've been home with them all week and, then, I wasn't. Perhaps he had been missing me all day and just didn't realize it until I got home?

Random fact of the week: When I feed him a banana, I only give him 1/2 at a time. He always turns the banana so he's eating the tapered end first. Always. If I hand it to him the wrong way, he will turn it around. It's hilarious.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Little Hooligan

He likes to help me 'clean' the kitchen.
How else do you find that ONE book you want to read?

I believe Snoopy won this round.

Bath Time!
He can now get into the bathtub by himself.
By throwing himself in head first.
'Bye until next time!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Morning Activities

Philip is walking around my chair saying "Mommy, Mommy, He'p me. He'p me."

Then he stands on the chair next to mine "Ready. Seck. Go!"

I'm sitting on the edge of my chair (I know this game) and he jumps into my chair behind me and gets stuck on the arm "He'p me."

I ask for kisses and he says "No."

But he did give me a nice long hug.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

More Cute Sayings

Philip likes to race. By himself.

He stands still. "Ready. Seck." He goes. "GOOOO!"


Today Philip brought me a toy that makes noise but it was turned off.

He starts from across the room. "On. On. On. On."

He hands it to me. "On. Please."

Awwww! At least one of the kids knows how to say please.


When he wants some more to eat, he says, "Some."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mommy's Favorite Pajamas

I love these pajamas. I don't know that we'll get to pass them on to anyone else. I've already had to repair the toes. (It hurts when your toe sticks out of the footie pj's.)

Can you guess which kid is which?

They are (from top to bottom): Hayden, Philip, Stephanie, and Meredith.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Crabby Morning

You gotta love little kids. Philip refused to sleep until very late last night so he is crabby this morning.

Just a minute ago he was at the other side of the house having a fit. He REFUSED to be comforted. So, I walked to the living room and turned on "The Backyardigans." I turned it up real loud so he could hear the opening song. I could see his little legs from where he was lying on the floor. As soon as he heard the music, his legs stopped kicking. He laid really still for a minute like he was trying to process what he was hearing. Then he got up and ran to the tv.

The moral of the story: Sometimes the tv can be a good thing!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Love You

Guess who started to say "I Love You" this past weekend?

Yes, you're right - it was Philip.

It sounds more like "I you" or "Lalu" and it's part of a game for now.

But I'll take it!

He says so many words now I can't even begin to tell you everything he says.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's a Brand New Year

Philip has some resolutions this year too...

He resolves to think about being house-broken by the end of the year.

He resolves to not just snatch toys away from the other kids. And then run away screaming when they try to take them back.

He resolves to take his naps in a more timely fashion instead of lying there talking to himself for 45 minutes first.

OK. That is just wishful thinking. But a mother can dream, right?