OK, I had to take this picture with my cell phone so it's not the best. But I just love the look on his little face. Steffi was playing dress-up with him which is why he has the bunny ears on his head. They also played tea party. I imagine this is why John wanted to have the boys before having any girls. I don't know what he will do when Philip shows up wearing the "Little Mermaid" costume. But you can bet the picture will show up on this site!
Speaking of Philip - he has completely undermined my plans for today. I was planning to have everybody dressed and ready to go by the time Hayden had to go to school so we could go to WalMart, get the oil changed in the van, get Steffi's hair cut, buy groceries and whatever else. But, no....somebody had to have an EXTREMELY restless night and woke up every hour and a half. Until 5:30, that is, he's been sleeping since then. A lot of good that does me! I'm actually going to wake him up soon. We need to get done with our shopping so the girls can take a nap today. They didn't get one yesterday. Grandma and Peggi came up to go Christmas shopping. John had to work so we took Philip & Stephanie with us. Hayden and Meredith stayed in the apartment while John was working downstairs - yes, there are definitely advantages to living in the same building where you work.
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