Sunday, April 21, 2013

Organized Sports

I signed all the kids up for base/soft/t-ball this year. Including Phil. 

His father and I are very interested to see how this plays out. This kid is so completely different from the other three and we have no idea if this will work or not. The others I could at least force into compliance if necessary but Phil doesn't work the same way.

John told his teacher at parent-teacher conferences that we had signed him up for t-ball and she was like, "Really? .... I'm not sure how that is going to work out."

So even she knows.

Well, we'll find out next month, won't we.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Phil's class got to go to the circus today. I went with them.


While we were waiting to go to the circus today, Phil's teacher told me they had been talking about Ireland. They had a "Weekly Reader" about St Patrick's Day and there was a picture of Ireland and so they were discussing all of the stuff there. So Phil tells her that he and I have been to Ireland. She asked him what we saw while we were there and he basically told her all the same stuff they had just been talking about. Then she says since I'm coming over to go to the circus with them that she will ask me about going to Ireland. He was quiet for a little while, then he whispers to her, "Mom doesn't really like to talk about it." His teacher about died trying not to laugh out loud.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Poor little guy was sick Thursday night. He had a fever and just wasn't feeling at all well. He actually asked to go to bed at 6. After I put the girls to bed at 8, he got up and I asked him if he wanted to sit with me awhile but it was only a few minutes and he wanted to go back to bed.

He woke up again later. It was kind of like some of the "night terrors" he'd get sometimes as a baby. He was screaming and crying and sitting up in bed when I went in there. He said, "I can NEVER find ANYTHING!" So I tried to calm him down and he just kept crying. I finally got to pick him up and hold him and he said, "I just want to go UNDERGROUND." I have no idea what he was talking about. I gave him some more Tylenol and a cracker and water since he said he was hungry and thirsty. I was going to have him sit on the couch and eat a couple of crackers but he just took one and went back to bed! I don't normally allow the children to eat crackers in bed but I decided to make an exception in this case. ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cut & Paste

Philip had the flu 2 weeks ago. Then we went skiing last week. So this week he brought home basically 2 weeks worth of school work to do. We got thru quite a bit last night but then he was just done. He could not stand the thought of doing any more. So we'll have to finish up the rest of it in the next day or so.

Apparently, cutting, pasting, and tracing is hard, tedious work for a 5-year-old.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Philip came up to me this morning, "Mommy! You have to come see this!"

I had changed the desktop picture on the computer last night and he thought that was awesome!