Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Country Boy

We got into the van today and I was strapping Phil in his carseat.

He said, "If you're gonna play in Texas, you gotta have a fiddle in the band."

I've Been Waiting for This Day!

Guess who got himself a "big present" today? He just may be fully housebroken by the end of this month after all! Thank God!

It has been 11 years and 3 months since Hayden was born and I started changing diapers. And with the exception of the 4.5 months between him being potty-trained and Meredith being born, I have been changing diapers ever since. And sometimes I had 2 kids in diapers at once! Oh, I'm so ready to not have to change diapers ever again!

On a side note, this is the first kid that Pull-Ups have ever worked on. Hayden and Meredith both just thought they were regular diapers. Stephanie basically trained herself so she didn't need them. But Phil figured it out. Guess that just proves you really do have to play to each kid's individual strengths.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alice Cooper

So I said, "Philip, what is this a picture of?"

He said, "Alice Cooper."

So there you go ~ a picture of Alice Cooper as drawn by a 3-year-old.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Can't Take Him Anywhere

Today we were walking thru Kohl's. We ended up in the 'intimate apparel' section. Philip said, "Oh, look at the boob mittens!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

House Breaking

WooHoo! It's Potty Training Time!

You know, occasionally, I think it would be nice to have another baby around the house. BUT - I am not ever doing this again! So I'm glad I got my tubes tied.

The tattoos are what he earns for going in the toilet.

In three days, he earned 2 tattoos.

Although, we were gone all day Tuesday so that really doesn't count, does it?

He seems to have figured it out today though. This is the first day he's actually told me when he has to go! I'm very excited!

He did ask me for a toy though. A BIG toy. I said, "Baby, when I can stop buying diapers, I will get you a toy."

I'm hoping I get to buy that toy this weekend! We'll see!

How do you hang up your jacket?

What do you call that little strip of fabric on your jacket that's useful for hanging it up?

Philip tells me it's a "Hooker."

I wish I could convey to you exactly how funny I found that. I couldn't even move, I was laughing so hard.