Friday, December 30, 2011


Phil's class went on a field trip to the mall to see Santa earlier this month. Here is his take on what they did.

Here is his "Thanksgiving" Letter. (I think that red thing is a table.) I love how he wrote his name backwards.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Changing out the quotes on the sidebar today.

The last ones I picked for Phil were:

"Walk amongst the natives by day, but in your heart be Superman." - Gene Simmons


"Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you." - Cynthia Kersey

Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sick Baby

My baby was sick today.
He fell asleep in my arms.
Poor little guy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Field Trip

Phil's class walked from school to the fire station. It was his very first school field trip!

They stopped at LaMars for donuts first and that's where I met them.

On the way back, we stopped at their "zombie hide-out" a bunch of trees whose branches touch the ground.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The "Shark" Helmet

We went for a bike ride today.
Phil had outgrown his toddler "Spiderman" helmet.
So we had to stop and get him a new one.

Pretty cool, huh?

That's the WeeHoo we bought in Colorado.
That thing is AWESOME!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Little Alien

Philip had a little bit of water on his arm today.

He said, "Look! My skin is shiny! That's because I was in Outer Space."

I asked, "Outer Space?"

He said, "Yes, I have another home there."

Monday, September 12, 2011

More Conversations

Tonight, while I was making supper. . .

"Mom! I am so strong! Amn't I?"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

At night when I put him to bed, I always say, "Good-night, Baby. Mommy loves you."

Tonight he said, "And Philip loves you!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Watch Out for That Kangaroo!

I'm working in the store right now.

Phil just came down because his elbow is bleeding. He's all upset and sweaty.

I asked him what happened...

"I was chasing a kangaroo. Then I threw him out the window and he clawed me!"

After four kids, I truly believe four-year-olds live in an alternate reality - like on another astral plane or something.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Trying Not to Wake Up

Philip talks in his sleep. Not like normal talking in sleep where you can kind of hear them if you're right there but probably can't make out all the words. No. Phil yells. And he's always being persecuted.

Just now he's still sleeping but he just yelled, "Stop! Get away!"

I'm sitting in the living room and could hear him plain as day.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Chalk Art

(This would be DJ destroying Philip's art!)

Friday, June 24, 2011


Philip talks in his sleep...

This morning he was in his bed and he started screaming, "Mine! It's mine! Not yours! Mine! Mine! Mine! Ahhhhhh!"

(His sleeping life seems to resemble his waking life.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The -inator

I was folding laundry at the kitchen table today and Philip was sitting with me putting on a show with his Lego Robots.

The all blue robot was a villain and the green & yellow one was the hero. They were fighting all over the place and knocking each other's heads and legs off. Then the villain destroyed the hero. He was completely in pieces.

BUT. . . luckily, the hero had a be-back-inator so he could be, you know, back.

This post would make more sense if y'all would watch "Phineas and Ferb."

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Waiting for His Turn

So far the Little Guy has been forced to stay on the sidelines watching his older siblings play sports.

Don't worry, Little Buddy.
Your time will come soon!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

4th Birthday

Happy Birthday, Philip!

His big present was his very own bicycle!
It's a "Harley" bicycle!

We didn't have anybody over on his birthday but we did have cupcakes.
White cake with blue frosting is what he wanted.
I couldn't just do that so I added some red icing for "webs" so we had "SpiderMan" cupcakes.

Here are the 4 kids.
We let Hayden light the candles.
Actually, I should say I let him light them.
John thought he was too young.
He's 11.
One of my ex-roommates was smoking when she was 12 so I figured he's probably old enough to light candles with a lighter.

I thought this was a cute picture.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fourth Birthday

Today is Philip's 4th birthday.

He has been acting like a brat all week and I'm not sure what his damage is.

Today we ran some errands and he whined and complained nearly the entire time. I'm so tired of this behavior and nothing seems to work.

On the way home he told me, "Kangaroos are allergic to butter."

Then we stopped at Burger King and the fit was back. He refused a kid's meal. I asked him several times. But when we got home, of course he wanted his kid's meal.

Hopefully, he will take a nap or something today.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jealous Much?

Yesterday, I dropped Phil off at Alma's. There was a BABY there. Oh, he was so cute with those big squishy cheeks and that toothless smile! I told the baby I was just gonna take him home with me.

Philip did not approve. He got so upset, "Mommy! I don't want you to take that baby home!"

- - - - - -

Last week I took him to a funeral and I got to hold my friend's little 15-mo-old girl. I held her for just a few minutes and then Phil came up behind me and grabbed on to me to remind me that HE was my baby.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Invisible Man

I told Phil to go to bed. Then I went in to say prayers and tuck him in. The light was off so I just asked, "Phil, are you in here?"

A voice from out in the hall says, "uh, yes!"

Get in here, Boy!

He said, "That was funny, wasn't it, Mom? I was invisible!"

- - - - -

Earlier, he scraped his leg. There wasn't any blood but I carried him to the bathroom and gave him a bandage.

Then I set him on the floor and asked him if he could walk.

He takes a step and says with a surprise, "I CAN walk!"

- - - - -

Update: It's 10:00 and I just went in to check on the boys. Phil told me he was dreaming about noodles and a green car.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Doggy Store

John wasn't feeling well today so I took all the kids and dropped the older two off at guitar lessons. Then the younger two and I went to Target and Scheels to kill time while we waited.

When we got home Phil was telling his Dad that he got something at the "doggy" store. I had no idea what he was talking about until I remembered the picture at Target of that white dog with the red "target" around his eye.

Then he was telling us how to make zombies slide down the stairs. First you put slime on the stairs so they will slide down on a skateboard, then you lock the door after them.

I think maybe he has been watching too much "Scooby Doo."

Friday, April 29, 2011


Bought Phil some new shoes the other day.

Size 13.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Phil was playing with Lego 'robots' tonight. He said, "Wow! I've never been on Earth before!"


I picked Philip up from daycare today and as we were driving home, he looked at me from the backseat and said, "Well. Thanks for picking me up."

It sounds kind of snotty written down but he said it really matter of fact and politely.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Artwork Wednesday



Those Darn Pronouns

Phil was supposed to be getting dressed. I went in his room and he only had his shirt on.

I said, "Phil, you're not even dressed yet!"

He said, "Part of I am."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Have to Go to the Boo-throom!

Phil will get up at night sometimes while John & I are still up and have to go to the bathroom. But he won't walk all the way down the hallway by himself. He's scared of the dark. He thinks there's either a monster or a ghost lying in wait for him.

John tried to get him to do it tonight. We sat on the couch and told Phil we'd watch him go down the hall. He tried. He got almost all the way but then he got scared so he came right back and John had to go with him.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who You Gonna Call?

We're watching "Ghosthunters" on tv. Philip has decided he wants to be an Ghosthunter now. He wants to go into that house and look for ghosts. He also wants John and I to come along with him so he won't be scared.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm Getting Gant!

My Baby was so tired tonight. I think daycare really wears him out. Everything was upsetting him. And, apparently, he was STARVING! "Mommy, my belly hurts!" I gave him a beef jerky while I was making dinner since he was so insistent that he was starving. Then he even ate all of his dinner and part of mine!

Don't get too excited though. We just had mac & cheese and hot dogs.

Friday, March 4, 2011


"'It's snowing still,' said Eeyore gloomily.

"So it is"

"And freezing"

"Is it?"

"Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."" — A.A. Milne

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hugs & Kisses

I tucked Philip into bed and gave him a hug & kiss and he asked for water.

So I went and got him some water. When I brought it to him he said he hadn't gotten a hug & kiss yet.

I said, "Are you kidding?"

He said, "I'm a little kidding. I just wanted anozer hug & kiss."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An Emotional Morning

I took Philip to Alma's today for daycare. He always cries when I leave him there. He's getting better but he still cries. He always says, "I want to stay with you all day."

Today I dropped him off and Alma tried to distract him by telling him he could paint a picture for me today while he was there.

So when I was leaving, he said, "Wait! I have to tell you *voice breaks* something."

"I'm going to paint you a picture today."

He's such a sweet boy. He was fine right after I left.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

And Another Thing

He also says, "Togezer."

I guess it's the th's in the middle of a word that trip him up.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Will Miss. . .

the way he calls Hayden his "Bruzer."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Country Boy

We got into the van today and I was strapping Phil in his carseat.

He said, "If you're gonna play in Texas, you gotta have a fiddle in the band."

I've Been Waiting for This Day!

Guess who got himself a "big present" today? He just may be fully housebroken by the end of this month after all! Thank God!

It has been 11 years and 3 months since Hayden was born and I started changing diapers. And with the exception of the 4.5 months between him being potty-trained and Meredith being born, I have been changing diapers ever since. And sometimes I had 2 kids in diapers at once! Oh, I'm so ready to not have to change diapers ever again!

On a side note, this is the first kid that Pull-Ups have ever worked on. Hayden and Meredith both just thought they were regular diapers. Stephanie basically trained herself so she didn't need them. But Phil figured it out. Guess that just proves you really do have to play to each kid's individual strengths.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alice Cooper

So I said, "Philip, what is this a picture of?"

He said, "Alice Cooper."

So there you go ~ a picture of Alice Cooper as drawn by a 3-year-old.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Can't Take Him Anywhere

Today we were walking thru Kohl's. We ended up in the 'intimate apparel' section. Philip said, "Oh, look at the boob mittens!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

House Breaking

WooHoo! It's Potty Training Time!

You know, occasionally, I think it would be nice to have another baby around the house. BUT - I am not ever doing this again! So I'm glad I got my tubes tied.

The tattoos are what he earns for going in the toilet.

In three days, he earned 2 tattoos.

Although, we were gone all day Tuesday so that really doesn't count, does it?

He seems to have figured it out today though. This is the first day he's actually told me when he has to go! I'm very excited!

He did ask me for a toy though. A BIG toy. I said, "Baby, when I can stop buying diapers, I will get you a toy."

I'm hoping I get to buy that toy this weekend! We'll see!

How do you hang up your jacket?

What do you call that little strip of fabric on your jacket that's useful for hanging it up?

Philip tells me it's a "Hooker."

I wish I could convey to you exactly how funny I found that. I couldn't even move, I was laughing so hard.